
新的弗里茨荣誉学院是一所合作学校, diverse 和 inclusive community of motivated 和 high-potential learners 和 doers pursuing intellectual, personal 和 professional development at the highest possible levels.

来帮助在LR建立荣誉吧. True honors education is both student-centered 和 largely student-directed. 因为弗里茨荣誉学院是新成立的, you have the extraordinary opportunity to help build a unique 和 distinctive honors college here starting in fall 2024. You'll collaborate with fellow honors college students, professors 和 杰夫·沃尔布什博士.D., dean of the 弗里茨荣誉学院, to create your own outst和ing future. 学会领导变革!


The 弗里茨荣誉学院 provides many benefits, including:

  • 跨学科荣誉课程
  • A vibrant 和 diverse intellectual 和 social community
  • Opportunities for research, scholarship 和 creative activity
  • Close collaboration with fellow students 和 faculty members
  • Opportunities for civic engagement, service 和 leadership
  • Social events 和 professional development activities
  • 出色的指导和建议
  • Unconditional support — during your time at LR 和 after you graduate


全球网赌十大网站鼓励所有积极上进的人, high-potential 和 high-achieving students—both high-school seniors 和 transfer students—to apply to join the 弗里茨荣誉学院. We aim to create a world-class honors educational institution 和 experience for students from all backgrounds 和 in all majors.

  • 新生申请流程
    • Please submit a completed application for admission by November 15. If you are academically eligible to be considered for admission (3.0 平均绩点或更高), you will receive the “奖学金 Programs 和 弗里茨荣誉学院 application” via your admission portal. 所有申请材料截止日期为12月1日. 
    • If you are not yet academically eligible, please send an email to Dean 杰夫Vahlbusch at 杰夫.vahlbusch@xav23.com 开始一段对话.
  • 申请人信息
    • In keeping with best practices of honors education nationally 和 internationally, the 弗里茨荣誉学院’s approach to admission is inclusive, 全面和支持. 全球网赌十大网站会逐字逐句地阅读你的申请材料, 和 our decisions don’t privilege national test scores (ACT, 坐), 班级排名或平均绩点. 
    • We are looking for motivated students eager to pursue 和 contribute to world-class educational opportunities 和 a thriving honors college community. 
    • If we invite you to join the 弗里茨荣誉学院 starting in the fall, wonderful: we will celebrate! 如果, 阅读你的申请后, we want you to complete a semester of courses at Lenoir-Rhyne 和 then reapply to the 弗里茨荣誉学院, Dean 杰夫Vahlbusch will send you an email invitation to meet with him once you arrive on campus in early fall to help you prepare your application.


All incoming students are eligible to receive scholarships associated with 弗里茨荣誉学院. 通常,获得这些奖项的学生都有3分.平均绩点0或更高, 是否积极参与学校和社区活动, have completed service hours 和 have demonstrated a vision for their future.

  • 总统奖学金

    所有的成功, highly motivated students should apply for LR’s prestigious Presidential 奖学金, which offers automatic admission to 弗里茨荣誉学院 和 covers the cost of tuition at Lenoir-Rhyne for eight regular semesters. 所有获奖者都必须住在校园里. 

    应用 by submitting the “奖学金 Programs 和 弗里茨荣誉学院 Application” via your admission portal. 所有申请材料截止日期为12月1日.

  • 弗里茨荣誉学院奖学金

    Many applicants invited to join the 弗里茨荣誉学院 will also be awarded a 弗里茨荣誉学院奖学金 valued at $2,000元/年.

    应用 by submitting the “奖学金 Programs 和 弗里茨荣誉学院 Application” via your admission portal. 所有申请材料截止日期为12月1日.
